Nos partenaires

Bouygues Immobilier

Bouygues Immobilier

Urban developer and a leading player in the French market for nearly seventy years, Bouygues Immobilier operates across the entire real estate value chain, from development to operation, including promotion, its core business.

Bouygues Immobilier aims to address major urban challenges, both environmental and societal, by maximizing its positive impacts (urban regeneration, local employment, etc.) and reducing its negative impacts (CO2 emissions, biodiversity, resources, etc.).

Because it is possible to do better with less, MATERRUP and Bouygues Immobilier join forces to immediately use MATERRUP's low-carbon and circular materials on designated construction sites.

This strategic alliance enables Bouygues Immobilier to address scope 3 challenges by using eco-friendly and affordable materials and to continue its efforts towards increasingly sustainable, local, and lower carbon footprint constructions.

This partnership also responds to the concrete expectations of clients and future users for more resilient and enjoyable housing.

MCC1® uncalcined clay cements are fully substitutable for conventional cement.

✅ By being compatible with existing implementation and production processes, MATERRUP avoids the significant investments associated with some disruptive technologies.

✅ Bouygues Immobilier continues to work with the same partners and subcontractors, the same implementation tools, its qualified personnel, and distribution channels. Only the cement changes!




Pôles d'activités


pays d'implantation




Aménagements extérieurs


Aménagements extérieurs


Aménagements extérieurs


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